I was able to get her insurance information, call in a claim, and was referred to a paint and body shop by the insurance company. What is the wonderful surprise? God's complete provision.
It was Tuesday morning, and I walk into the Paint & Body Shop. It is family owned and they have been in business for 26 years. I walk in and have to wait for the rental car company to pick me up. While waiting (for a little over an hour), I talk with the owners about many things. One thing in particular - kids. They talk about their grand kids and how they adore their time with them. And then I was asked, "do you have any kids?" I am so thankful to be at the point where I can share with others what God is doing in our lives. So, that is exactly what I did. I spoke about Journeymark and what the purpose of the business is, and do you know what God did? He provided something for the business.
The sweet lady mentions she quilts and wants to offer baby quilts for Journeymark. I am completely in awe and say, "I would be so grateful." On Friday, I went to pick up my vehicle. She had completed the top sections of two quilts, and I love them. They are so very sweet, and something that she will be able to bless others with by using her gift.
You see where I am going with this? My car was hit, while parked, for me to file a claim and have the insurance company suggest two options for me to take my car to get fixed. I chose this particular shop, waited for over an hour on the rental car company, and now, Journeymark will offer baby quilts. How precious God's surprises are in our lives. Be sure not to miss them.