Friday, January 8, 2010


Hey all, 
this is a blog I have been following for some time now and a recent post was very moving. I appreciate so much the reminder of serving those who are battling infertility, including myself. I have come to understand the importance of sharing how I am feeling, and not shutting people out of my journey. I know that we who struggle can serve others who are in the midst of their battle, and walk alongside them in prayer and support.

If you have time, this moving video is one to watch. It captures feelings that one struggles with during infertility. I loved the song stating "I fell apart, but I got back up again." There have been many times when I have thought, "just keep moving, keep moving forward." In reality, I can self talk, but my hope is in Christ, and He is the reason I keep moving forward and get up again.

Much love and continuing to share hope in this journey,

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